Summer 2023 Awards

Five documentaries awarded Summer Awards
We are pleased to announce the Miller / Packan Documentary Fund Summer 2023 award winners. The Fund awards grants totalling $200,000 to a selection of film projects annually through its Summer and Winter Open Calls.
The Fund’s five selection of award winners for this Winter period are:
The Librarians — In Texas, ground zero for the unprecedented wave of book banning sweeping the nation, librarians under siege unite with students and community members across the nation as resistance fighters to defend intellectual freedom. Director: Kim A. Snyder.
Blood Antiquities — A team of investigators track museums and dealers who purchase looted antiquities from terrorist cells. The film exposes a vast criminal enterprise that implicates leading curators and museum owners while advocating for the return of priceless masterpieces.
The Great Divide — A history of violence in America, presented in nine chapters. Director: Tom Donahue.
The Liberty Way — A courageous group of survivors undertakes a high-risk legal challenge against the powerful Evangelical Christian alma mater that threatened and punished them when they reported being raped. Director: Ellen Goosenberg Kent.
TURNAROUND: The Reinvention of New Orleans’ Education System — New Orleans, where 100% of public schools will be charter schools, has been their fastest improving education system over the last decade. Director: Abraham Felix
“We are humbled as we review the many documentary submissions, appreciating the passion, skill and long hours that go into each project,” says Hugh Rogovy, President, “This year’s list of grantees represents five extraordinary films that we’re eager to see on the big screen.”
Applications are now being accepted for the Winter 2023 Open Call, which ends November 15th 2023.