Proposal checklist:
1. Narrative
• Logline (2-3 Sentences)
Provide a brief, catchy summary of your story.
• Story Summary / Synopsis (Approximately 1-2 pages)
What is your story and story structure? Give an overview of your story, introducing the main characters and potential plot points. Describe the anticipated story structure and narrative trajectory, or potential character arcs for your project. Discuss your access to the story and characters.
• Topic Summary (Approximately 1-2 pages)
Why is this topic important, timely, or relevant? Why are you the best person to make a film about this? Explain the cultural or social relevance and context for the topic, and why this project is timely or urgent. Detail the topics, issues, themes, challenges, stakes, or questions that your project will cover.
• Artistic Approach (Approximately ½ page)
How are you going to tell this story? Describe your creative vision for the finished project – its visual look and feel. Explain your intended use of cinematic language or any particular artistic approach that informs the storytelling.
• Project Stage (Approximately 1 paragraph)
Outline the projected production timeline from the project’s current state to the anticipated completion date. Your timeline should cover both the creative and production processes and should detail major project activities, production schedules, and anticipated post production and release dates.
• Key Creative Personnel (Approximately 1 paragraph/bio)
Provide brief biographies (50-150 words) for the director(s), and if attached, the producer(s), cinematographer, or editor. Include notable credits and/or major recognition or award information. For each key creative, include information about relevant expertise and the individual’s role in the project.
• Audience and Distribution Strategies (approximately 1 paragraph for each)
◦ Distribution and Marketing Strategy
Characterize the intended distribution life for your film. Specify plans for festival, theatrical, and/or community screenings, as well as plans for securing national broadcast and/or distribution.
◦ Audience Engagement
Describe the anticipated audience for your project, including any underserved audiences. How do you plan to reach your target audience? Not all films are suited for social engagement, but if yours is, what actions do you hope for viewers to take after seeing your film?
• Financial Info (1 paragraph for each)
◦ Fundraising Strategy
Describe the strategy for raising the additional funds necessary to complete the project. Include all sources and amounts raised to date. Clearly distinguish between potential sources of funding and secured amounts. List the status of other sources of funding currently under consideration, whether to be applied for or pending.
Foundation A: $X Secured
Private Donations: $X Secured
Foundation B: $X Applied
Broadcast License A: $X In Negotiation
Crowdfunding: $X In Process (Campaign end date MM/DD/YY)
◦ Grant Impact
Amount requested? If you were to receive a grant, describe how the funds would be spent. In light of your total budget, how would these funds help you move forward with your project?
2. Statement of Interest:
In the online application form, you’ll be asked to briefly address the following question: How does your project relate to the Ideals and Goals of the Rogovy Foundation?
3. Comprehensive Line Item Expense Budget:
Your budget should provide a detailed breakdown of all expenses from development through release in U.S. dollars, including a grand budget total.
• Top Sheet
Provide a single page budget top sheet/summary.
• Line Item Budget
Provide a comprehensive line item budget including all documentary related expenses. The budget should be broken down on a line item basis in the form of a spreadsheet. A budget cover sheet or narrative budget summary alone is not adequate. Please include detailed budget notes for any areas that may be viewed as out of the ordinary or which requires further explanation.
4. Visual Sample and Description:
A current work sample is required. Provide a link and password to a streaming version of your work sample as part of the application. There is no specific length required. Submit the sample that you feel best represents your project at its current phase of production. While samples may be any length, for longer samples we will only guarantee to consider the first 10 minutes. The sample provided must be for the project you are applying for. Include a paragraph giving your work sample context and background information.