We like crazy ideas.
The Ishi Frontier Fund supports game-changing [?] ideas within the program areas of Education, Civics and the Environment. We seek transformative solutions that inspire us toward a higher quality of life, in a world without borders.
We are a small foundation. Like angel investors, we provide seed capital to those who are in the early stage of developing their projects. We look for innovative ideas with huge impact potential. We fund proposals that are implementable and scalable.
In Education, our mission is to strengthen the role of the Humanities. Appreciation of the Humanities balances our soul [?] in an increasingly materialistic world.
Our mission for Civics is to enhance the quality of our leadership, promoting transparency, integrity, and nobility. We long for the celebration of public heroes as role models.
For the Environment, our mission is to further our progress in resource sustainability and conservation. We would like to see our planet cared for most preciously. [stronger]
We are idealistic. To gain a sense for what type of projects might get our attention, please check our Ideals and Values pages.
Here’s a sampling of actions we would like to see funded:
• Strengthening appreciation of the Humanities in education.
• Raising the bar for quality in the Arts.
• Restoring teaching as a noble and rewarding profession.
• Bringing cost efficiency to higher education.
• Creating new rituals and/or ceremonies suited for a new era.
• Promoting ‘World Peace Through World Institutions.’
• Working towards a borderless world.
• Reviving the celebration of public heroes.
• Working towards a borderless world.
• Reversing healthcare cost inflation.
• Enhancing environmental self-sufficiency technologies.
• Advancing our progress in conservation.
As a new fund, our first grants will be awarded in 2016. We have established a rolling submission timeline. Each proposal will be reviewed by a Selection Committee comprised of our Foundation Board members and officers.
We aim to fund a few proposals with exciting potential. Each chosen submission will be awarded a one-time only grant offered in an amount of between $5000 to $20,000. Due to the wide scope of our interests, our selection process will be a highly competitive one.
We look for projects that can have a substantial impact in the areas of Education, Civics or the Environment. Proposals that do not fit within our Ideals and Values criteria should not apply.
We only fund non-profit organizations classified as 501(c)(3) public charities by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
We do not fund:
• K-12 school education programs
• Academic research
• General operations or program expense
• Endowment funds
• Fundraising dinners, galas, tickets or sponsorships
• Temporary exhibits, publications, surveys
• Political lobbying, political action committees
• Activities that are already beyond the development stage
Letter of Inquiry:
If you have a killer idea that just might change the world, then you are invited to submit via email a Letter of Inquiry for your proposal. Please consider how your project is relevant to our mission, described in our Ideals and Values pages. State the impact you hope to achieve and how it will be measured.
Your organization’s inquiry should include the following:
- Your organization’s background
- IRS Public Charity Tax ID or Determination Letter
- Organization mission and strategies
- Title of the proposed project
- One-page description of the specific project for which funding is sought
- Project budget and amount raised
- Requested funding amount
- Project timeline
- How the objectives of the proposed project relate to those of the Foundation
- For this proposal, what will be your measures of success
- Contact details of the person submitting the request
Email to:
We will respond to your letter of inquiry within one month. If the staff review of your letter of inquiry is favorable, you will be asked to submit a detailed proposal.
Proposal Submission:
Proposals are accepted by invitation only. If invited, your proposal should include information covering the following areas:
Organization Info:
- A one paragraph biography of the organization’s key staff members
- Number of paid staff within the organization
- Sources of financial support
- Key activités not included within this proposal
- Within the proposal narrative, please include:
∙ Title of the proposed project
∙ A narrative describing your activities and goals for this project
∙ Amount of funding requested
∙ Total project expense budget
∙ The timeline for your project
∙ The risks to success you will face
∙ How the project fits within our Foundations’ mission
∙ How you will measure the success of your activity
∙ Additional materials you fell are relevant to this request
"We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier … the frontier of unknown opportunities and perils, the frontier of unfilled hopes and unfilled threats.
… Beyond that frontier are uncharted areas of science and space, unsolved problems of peace and war, unconquered problems of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus."
John F. Kennedy