We learn from each other.
The Miller / Packan Film Fund supports documentaries that Educate, Inspire and Enrich. The Fund is financed through the Rogovy Foundation. We believe in the transformational power that comes from enlightening narratives and inspiring characters.
The Fund began granting in 2016. Each year, grants totaling $200,000 are awarded to between eight and twelve filmmakers. The fund operates an open call submission process, and awards are announced bi-annually. Each grant is one-time only and offered in amounts up to $25,000. Due to the large number of submissions, our selection process is highly competitive.
Submissions are accepted on an open call basis with Award Winners announced in January and July. The 2024 Summer Open Call has now closed. To be considered for the 2024 Winter Awards, please submit your application by 23:59 EST on November 15th, 2024.
We are pleased to be a CORE documentary funder listed on the IDA’s grant organizations directory.
Mission and Objectives:
We believe in a more perfect world. The Miller / Packan Documentary Film Fund provides grants to feature-length non-fiction projects that address social issues and inspire others.
Our planet is wonderfully diverse. We support film as an instrument for change, delivering greater knowledge, compassion and awareness. Listening and understanding bring us together.
Subject Categories / Areas of Interest:
At the highest level, the Fund’s subject categories are Education, the Environment and Civics. Please review our Ideals and Values for a sense of what types of topics we might support. Grants will be awarded to filmmakers who most closely match our defined areas of interest.
We back a variety of styles that drive a film’s narrative. This might include character-driven storytelling, a fact-based exposé or an informational point-of-view upon a controversial subject.
We look for quality filmmaking comprised of inspiring characters, a fascinating story, a strong visual style, tight editing and generally high production values.
We seek projects that open our eyes through a strong premise, critical thinking, detailed analysis and competing views.
We like investigations into the cost structures of our social institutions, such as healthcare and education. We appreciate the celebration of public heroes and find inspiration through their stories. We favor topics that bring our global community together.
Your success in winning a grant will depend upon how well your film matches up with our mission and the strength of your proposal.
Visit our Film Qualities page for more information on films we wish to support.
Supported Activities / Stages of Production:
The Fund supports filmmaking in advanced development (up to $15,000), production and post-production stages (up to $25,000).
If your film is in advanced development, you will need to provide a detailed synopsis (or shooting script), along with supporting research and legal clearances to use your material. You will also need to include footage, which helps us understand your project in relation to your vision.
If your film is in production or post-production, we will evaluate your project based upon the application details and progress of your project. You must also submit footage or a rough cut of your project. The more footage submitted, the better we can understand your story and evaluate your proposal.
We do not fund outreach or audience engagement activities. Nor do we fund expenses related to fund-raising, distribution, publicity or marketing.