Stripped for Parts: American Journalism at the Crossroads is the story of how hedge funds and private equity are plundering what is left of America’s newspapers, and the journalists who are fighting back. Beginning with unprecedented activism in 2018 by reporters and editors in Denver, Colorado, the film follows the struggle for the resources and soul of America’s news media and by extension, the health and survival of American democracy.
In April 2018, after yet anotherseries of distressing newsroom layoffs, Denver Postopinion-page editor Chuck Plunkett couldn’t suppress his own opinion any longer. He wrote an impassioned editorialthat stunned colleagues and garnered national coverage. His editorialattacked the newspaper’s owners, New York-based Alden Global Capital, blasting them as“vulture capitalists” and proclaimed, “We call for action.Denver deserves a newspaper owner who supports its newsroom. If Alden isn’t willing to do good journalism here, it should sell The Postto owners who will.”
See our other Grantees.
RICK GOLDSMITH has been making social-issue documentary films for almost 40 years, focusing on American journalism more than any other single topic, including two Academy-Award-nominated documentary features: TELL THE TRUTH AND RUN: GEORGE SELDES AND THE AMERICAN PRESS (American Historical Association (AHA) award), and THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA: DANIEL ELLSBERG AND THE PENTAGON PAPERS (Peabody, Organization of American Historians (OAH), American Historical Association (AHA) Awards). Goldsmith’s MIND/GAME: THE UNQUIET JOURNEY OF CHAMIQUE HOLDSCLAW (2015), a superstar athlete’s battle with mental illness, was produced with the assistance of a Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Journalism Fellowship (Carter Center); won the SAMHSA Voice Award as well as many film festival jury and audience awards.
LAUREN KAWANA served as the associate producer and assistant editor for MIND/GAME: THE UNQUIET JOURNEY OF CHAMIQUE HOLDSCLAW. She is freelance producer and editor and is on board of the Asian American Journalists Association, SF Bay Area Chapter. Lauren graduatedUC Berkeley GraduateSchool of Journalism, studying documentary film under the renown Jon Else. Her thesis film, Live, Breathe, Hulawas recipient of the UC Berkeley’s North Gate Excellence in Documentary Film award.