A young Bangladeshi woman takes her uncertain future into her own hands to change the destiny of her family, her country and the planet.
SORTED is the story of a remarkable young woman looking for answers. This is not just another climate change documentary with isolated polar bears stranded on ice floes. This is the story of a real person, with hope for a real future, exploring the world she lives in and coming to realize that sometimes there is no perfect solution. But there is always hope.
More information available on the film’s Website.

See our other Grantees.
After a successful career working as a licensed Private Investigator specializing in death penalty cases, KURT switched paths to focus on documentary filmmaking. He produced and shot the award-winning ALSO RAN in 2006, a film exploring the sometimes eccentric and always interesting characters running in the 2003 California gubernatorial recall election. He co-directed and co-produced THESE AMAZING SHADOWSin 2011, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, picked up distribution through IFC, and had multiple broadcasts on the PBS series Independent Lens; produced BEING GEORGE CLOONEY, a lively look into the world of the audio dubbing of Hollywood movies for the international market (2016 –Netflix Worldwide); produced THE DEEP SKY (2017) a narrative feature, and co-directed FACES OF GENOCIDE, a documentary short subject (2018) that recently won an outstanding short subject award at the Newport Beach Film Festival.
NOUSHEEN gained a law degree from Dhaka University in 2018, was editor of the Law Review, speaks four languages (Bangla, English, French, Hindi), was the Bangladesh delegate to an international Youth environmental conference, was selected as a Queen’s Young Leader (a program sponsored by the Queen of England), and has extensive experience working with grassroots environmental groups.
FRAZER has shot hundreds of films, commercials, documentaries, and music videos over the years, with his work screening at Cannes, Sundance, Toronto, and New York Film Festivals. He made his directorial debut in 2009 with EVERYTHING STRANGE AND NEW, which was hailed by critics and won awards at the San Francisco International Film Festival (FIPRESCI Prize) and the Munich Film Festival (CineVision Award). He shot part of (and appeared with his daughter Hattie in) Focus Feature’s theatrical hit BABIES (2010), THESE AMAZING SHADOWS (2011), and shot John Corey’s LOST IN THE FOG (2008), and Jamie Meltzer’s INFORMANT (2013), THE DEEP SKY (2017), and COLLISIONS (2018).