Statistics show at least 1 in 3 women experience some form of harassment or unwanted advances at work, and those are just the reported cases. In October 2017 over 12 million women and men contributed to the #METOO outcry on social media unmasking an endemic issue that spreads across all industries as well as all genders, ages, races, and socio-economic statuses. It is time for change.
NEVERTHELESS is a documentary that examines the sexual harassment crisis in the American workplace through interviews and personal stories that recount experiences and reveal truths about the intricacies of the issue as a whole, while also shining a light on tools and solutions for everyone to use inspired by this watershed moment in our country’s history. The documentary touches upon several topics surrounding harassment and assault in the workplace in order to point towards a brighter future. “Women who have been in the workplace since Rosie the Riveter have been dealing with this entrenched male sexism.”
More information available on the film’s Facebook Page.

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SARAH MOSHMAN is an Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker. Credits include: THE EMPOWERMENT PROJECT: ORDINARY WOMEN DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS (2014) which has been screened over 700 times around the US and around the world in schools, groups, organizations and corporations starting conversations about gender equality. LOSING SIGHT OF SHORE follows the incredible journey of four women who rowed across the Pacific Ocean. The film was released globally in 190 countries on Netflix in May 2017. She is currently directing NEVERTHELESS, a film about sexual harassment in the workplace. Sarah is dedicated to telling stories that uplift, inform and inspire as well as showcase strong female role models on screen.
PETER SAROUFIM is a Film and Television Editor who’s work includes feature documentaries Losing Sight of Shoreand The Last Closet, as well as series for ABC, Nickelodeon, Fox, FX, Samsung, PopSugar, HighNoon Entertainment and many more.